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Welcome to Immaculate Conception Academy

Latest Academy News


Lenten Dinners

Please join us before Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent for a meatless dinner provided by members of the parish. Donations are appreciated!


Holy Week 2025

Join us at Immaculate Conception Church on April 13-20 to witness beautiful, traditional Holy Week ceremonies.


Day of Recollection

The next Day of Recollection for Grades 9-12 will take place on Friday, April 4.


ICA Alumni Game

Thanks to all of our coaches, players & families for an incredible 2024-2025 Basketball season! View photos here.

Visit the ICA Spirit Wear Store!

There’s so many ways to show your ICA spirit, from hoodies to caps to t-shirts. Choose from a variety of logos and colors to create your own, completely unique ICA Spirit Wear.

Image by Eric Rothermel

2024-2025 Academic Calendar

View upcoming events for the school year. We've password protected the page for security. Email for the password.

Follow ICA on Instagram!

Immaculate Conception Academy Mission Statement

The mission of the Academy is to instill in our students both faith and honor (Fides et Honor) by offering them the means and the encouragement necessary to achieve their intellectual, moral, social and physical development in a traditional Catholic environment. All true education must begin with the understanding that God creates every person in His Own image, with the power of intellect to know truth and the power of will to love goodness.

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