Who We Are
Fides et Honor
Immaculate Conception Academy is an independent K-12 Academy located in the heart of Norwood. The mission of the Academy is to instill in our students both faith and honor (Fides et Honor) by offering them the means and the encouragement necessary to achieve their intellectual, moral, social, and physical development in a traditional Catholic environment. All true education must begin with the understanding that God creates every person in His Own image, with the power of intellect to know truth and the power of will to love goodness.​The method of education employed at the Academy is twofold: the Classical Curriculum serving the intellectual perfection of our students and the disciplinary method of Saint John Bosco (the “preventive” system) promoting the students’ moral development.​​​​
Religious Education
At the Academy, our primary goal is the religious education of our students. We follow the beliefs put forth in the Nicene Creed. We are a traditional Catholic school, dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and forwarding the practices and beliefs of the traditional Roman Catholic Church. Students attend daily Mass at 10:50 a.m., observe the traditional Holy Days of Obligation, and celebrate other major feast days with religious processions, celebrations, and the like.
Traditional Latin Mass
Our priests offer only the traditional Latin Mass and are affiliated with the Society of St. Pius V. Our priests do not offer the Novus Ordo Missae and administer only the traditional sacraments according to the prescribed rites prior to any of the changes brought about by the Vatican II Council.