The Sodality of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a group of young ladies formed at Immaculate Conception Academy.
The goal of this group is to instill in its members Mary-like virtues that will make them examples for others and achieve their own and others’ salvation. We aim to foster ardent devotion, reverence, and filial love towards the Blessed Mother. Freshman girls at Immaculate Conception Academy are welcomed into Sodality. After a young lady has been in the Sodality for about six months and fulfilled all the necessary requirements, she may officially be received into the Sodality and obtain her Sodality medal. Once received into the Sodality, a woman will forever be considered a member and should live accordingly. As a group, we perform spiritual and corporal works of mercy and engage in social activities with one another, always bearing in mind our goal to lead and exemplify Mary-like virtues.
Our Principal Patroness is the Blessed Mother and our Secondary Patroness is St. Joan of Arc.
Duties of a Sodalist
Lead a Mary-like life of virtue and be an example to others around you
Pray the Act of Consecration daily (listed below)
Perform Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy as often as you are able
Wear your Sodality Medal as a sign of your devotion to Our Lady
Participate in Sodality events in and out of scheduled class time

Sodality Act of Consecration
Most Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God, I, (your name), most unworthy though I am to be thy servant, yet touched by thy motherly care for me, and longing to serve thee, do, in the presence of my Guardian Angel, and all the court of Heaven, choose thee this day to be my Queen, my Advocate and my Mother, and I firmly purpose to serve thee evermore myself and to do what I can that all may render faithful service to thee.
Therefore, most devoted Mother through the Precious Blood thy Son poured out for me, I beg thee and beseech thee, deign to take me among thy clients and receive as thy servant for ever. Aid me in my every action, and beg for me the grace, never by word or deed or thought, to be displeasing in thy sight and that of thy most holy Son.
Think of me, my dearest Mother, and desert me not at the hour of death. Amen.