Obligations of Students
As compared to their age mates in other schools and elsewhere in society, Academy Students are privileged and the Academy expects extraordinary things from them. Academy Students must assume and accept responsibility for their actions, realizing according to their age and level of maturity that they are first and foremost accountable to God for their actions. Secondarily, they are responsible to their parents, to the Academy, and to fellow students to strive for excellence in academics and, as they advance in age, to act in a manner becoming of young Catholic men and women.
The Academy and parents must guide the students, but the ultimate responsibility rests with the students. The success of most students will depend on their own best efforts, cooperation, and work ethic.
In all places and at all times, Academy students must be:

Telling the truth, avoiding deceptive behavior, and submitting only their own work

Addressing elders with their proper titles, showing courtesy and offering help where assistance is needed, being attentive when elders are present or speaking, and showing respect to visitors

Doing what they are told by Academy Administration, faculty, staff, and parents without protest or argument

Adhering to the Academy Uniform Code, maintaining a neat and clean appearance with good habits of personal hygiene, and keeping desks and lockers neat and clean

Following instructions and carrying out assigned tasks promptly and precisely

Working in peaceful and productive collaboration with others

Arriving on time and prepared for each school day and for individual classes; submitting assigned class work and homework when it is due; arriving on time for daily Mass

Hard Working
Giving one’s best efforts in all phases of life at the Academy: spiritual, academic, and extra-curricular.