Academy Uniform Policy
Uniform Code
The Academy requires all students to wear the prescribed uniform throughout the school day. The benefits of a prescribed uniform code include (i) relieving families of the burdens and expense of providing a day-to-day wardrobe for students; (ii) assuring that students do not wear immodest or inappropriate attire to school, (iii) eliminating any pressure on students to conform to fashionable trends in clothing or to otherwise “compete” by their manner of dress at school, (iv) contributing to a sense that every student belongs as an equal member of the student body, (v) fostering humility and self-discipline, (vi) contributing to a sense of mission, and (vii) providing a visible image of one who is representative of the Academy.
Students are to be neat, modest, well-groomed, and in complete uniform when they are on the grounds of the Academy during school days and at academy-related functions. The only exceptions to this policy are:
During Lunch and Recess periods, when the uniform policy is relaxed, but students must tuck in their shirts, put on their ties, and fasten all buttons before entering the school building to resume classes.
After school when students are waiting for other activities or waiting for parents before they leave the school grounds (at which times the uniform policy is relaxed but not abandoned).
Wearing approved clothing for Academy extracurricular activities, including athletic events, Academy plays, concerts and practices, volunteer work activities, and parish-related activities and meals.
Other exceptions specifically authorized by Academy Administration, faculty, staff.
The modesty requirements that apply with the Academy Uniform Code always apply when students are at Academy-related functions, including sporting events. Students bear the joint responsibility with their parents of maintaining their Academy uniforms and shoes in neat, clean, and good condition. Torn or frayed garments are to be mended or replaced promptly.
Because the Academy uniform is representative of the Academy and its good name, students who act in an unbecoming manner in public while in school uniform, whether or not on Academy property, shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Academy. Even when the prescribed Academy uniform is not required, students must still dress neatly and modestly while on Academy grounds and at all Academy functions.
As a general rule, a note from a parent does not relieve a student of the duty to dress in compliance with the Uniform Code. However, for a sufficient reason, the Administration may honor a parent note as a temporary dispensation from the uniform code. For any day or period of time when a student is unable to wear approved clothing or footwear, the student must deliver to the Headmaster a parent’s note explaining why the student cannot comply with the uniform code and stating when the student will resume wearing the required clothing or shoes.

Uniforms for Boys
The Administration will make the final decision regarding a student’s compliance with the Uniform Code based on the following guidelines:
Grades K – 8
Navy blue dress slacks with black belt.
Light blue shirt with button-down collar. Shirts must be of oxford cloth. Short sleeve shirts are permitted during the First and Fourth Quarters. Long sleeve shirts are permitted year-long. Shirts must be tucked in with buttons fastened. The top button may be unfastened during lunch or recess.
Navy blue long tie.
Plain, entirely black dress shoes with black or navy blue dress socks. Shoes must be able to be polished and the soles must be black. Students in grades 4-8 must have tie shoes.
Academy Spirit Wear or Academy-approved navy blue V-Neck sweater (which may be worn in classroom). Hooded sweatshirts are not to be worn in the church.
Solid colored coat for outside use in cold weather.
Grades 9 – 12
Dark grey dress slacks with black belt.
White shirt with button down collar. Shirts must be of oxford cloth. Short sleeve shirts are permitted during the First and Fourth Quarters. Long sleeve shirts are permitted year-long, but long sleeves may not be rolled up. Shirts must be tucked in with buttons fastened. The top button may be unfastened during lunch or recess.
Navy blue long tie.
Plain, entirely black tie dress shoes with navy blue, black or grey dress socks. Shoes must be able to be polished, and must have black soles.
Navy Blue blazer. The blazer may be taken off during classes and in church in warm weather but it must always be worn between classes and while entering and leaving the church. Blazers must have the approved Academy Crest attached.
Academy-approved navy blue or grey V-neck sweater or sweater vest.
Academy Spirit Wear or solid blue or black coat. Spirit Wear and coats are for outdoor wear only and are not normally permitted in the classroom. In special circumstances, male students may be given permission to wear Spirit Wear during class time.
Gym Class
During gym class, students in grades 9-12 must wear the prescribed Academy gym uniforms. Students who do not have the prescribed gym uniforms on a given day will be required to wear the regular school uniform to gym class.

Uniforms for Girls
The Administration will make the final decision regarding a student’s compliance with the Uniform Code based on the following guidelines:
Grades K – 4
Uniform plaid jumper. The jumper’s hem must always fall below the entire kneecap whether the student is standing, kneeling or sitting.
White blouse with a round collar. Short sleeve shirts are permitted during the First and Fourth Quarters. Long sleeve shirts are permitted all year long. Blouses must be tucked in and buttons should be fastened at all times. The top button may be unfastened during lunch or recess.
Navy blue cardigan sweater or Spirit Wear. Hooded sweatshirts are not to be worn in the church.
Navy blue knee socks. Socks must be kept up at all times. Students may wear navy blue thermals or leggings with their socks. The socks must always be pulled up so that no skin is visible.
Red or blue cross tie.
Blue beanie. These are available through the school office.
Plain, entirely black dress shoes. Shoes may not be open-toed.
Solid colored coat or jacket for outdoor use in cold weather
Grades 5 & 6
Uniform plaid skirt. The hem of the skirt must always fall below the entire kneecap whether the student is standing, kneeling or sitting.
White or blue blouse, of oxford cloth. Short sleeve shirts are permitted during the First and Fourth Quarters. Long sleeve shirts are permitted all year long. Blouses must be tucked in and buttons should be fastened at all times. The top button may be unfastened during lunch or recess.
Navy blue sweater vest or cardigan. The vest must be worn with the white blouse, but it is not required when the blue blouse is worn.
Academy Spirit Wear. Hooded sweatshirts are not to be worn in the church.
Navy blue cross tie.
Plain, entirely black dress shoes. Shoes may not be open-toed.
Navy blue knee socks. Socks must be kept up at all times. Students may wear navy blue thermals or leggings with their socks. The socks must always be pulled up so that no skin is visible.
Solid colored coat or jacket for use in cold weather.
Long chapel veil (mantilla) is to be worn while in church.
Grades 7 & 8
Uniform plaid skirt. The hem of the skirt must always fall below the entire kneecap whether the student is standing, kneeling or sitting.
White or blue blouse, of oxford cloth. Short sleeve shirts are permitted during the First and Fourth Quarters. Long sleeve shirts are permitted all year long. Blouses must be tucked in and buttons should be fastened at all times. The top button may be unfastened during lunch or recess.
Navy blue sweater vest or cardigan. The vest must be worn with the white blouse, but it is not required when the blue blouse is worn.
Academy Spirit Wear which has been approved for school day use. Hooded sweatshirts are not to be worn in the classroom or in the church.
Navy blue cross tie.
Plain, entirely black dress shoes. Shoes may not be open-toed.
Navy blue knee socks. Socks must be kept up at all times. Students may wear navy blue thermals or leggings with their socks. The socks must always be pulled up so that no skin is visible.
Solid colored coat or jacket for use in cold weather
Long chapel veil (mantilla) is to be worn while in church.
Grades 9 – 12
Uniform gray skirt. The hem of the skirt must touch the floor while the student is kneeling and should reach to the bottom of the kneecap whether the student is standing, kneeling or sitting.
White blouse with sweater vest or blue blouse, of oxford cloth. Short sleeve shirts are permitted during the First and Fourth Quarters. Long sleeve shirts are permitted all year long. Short or long sleeves are permitted. Blouses must be tucked in and buttons should be fastened at all times. The top button may be unfastened during lunch or recess.
Navy blue sweater vest or cardigan. The vest must be worn with the white blouse, but it is not required when the blue blouse is worn.
Navy Blue women’s blazer. The blazer may be taken off during classes and in church in warm weather but it must always be worn between classes and while entering and leaving the church. Blazers must have the approved Academy Crest attached.
Academy Spirit Wear which has been approved for school day use. Hooded sweatshirts are not to be worn in the classroom or in the church.
Navy blue cross tie.
Plain, entirely black dress shoes. Shoes may not be open-toed.
Navy blue knee socks. Socks must be kept up at all times. Students may wear navy blue thermals or leggings with their socks. The socks must always be pulled up so that no skin is visible.
Solid black or blue coat for outdoor use in cold weather.
Long chapel veil (mantilla) is to be worn while in church.
Gym Class
During gym class, students in grades 9-12 must wear the prescribed Academy gym uniforms. Students who do not have the prescribed gym uniforms on a given day will be required to wear the regular school uniform to gym class.

Prohibitions on Jewelry and Makeup
Students may not wear jewelry, with the exceptions of watches (no digital watches) and the school ring. Unauthorized jewelry will be confiscated and returned only to parents.
Religious medals, crosses, and scapulars are not jewelry and may be worn by students in a manner consistent with Catholic Tradition. Girls should not have their ears pierced during the school year if the procedure will require them to continue wearing earrings in the days or weeks following the procedure.
Girls are permitted to wear skin-toned, concealing make-up to cover irregular skin complexions. However, girls may not wear any other type of makeup (e.g., eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, blush, lipstick) or nail polish. Girls wearing unauthorized makeup will be sent to the school office to remove it and may be subject to other discipline.
Regulations for Boys’ Hair
When it is combed downward, boys’ hair must remain above the eyebrows, ears, and collar. Boys at the Academy are required to have standard, classic style haircuts. There must be no line or shaved sections, and boys are not permitted to have any “fade” or undercut style of haircuts. Two-layered hair, bald heads, shag cuts, and Mohawks are prohibited. Boys may not wear sideburns that extend below the mid-ear. Male students must always be clean-shaven with no facial hair or stubble.
Any male student who appears at school in violation of these regulations may, after a warning and at the discretion of the Administration, be required to get a haircut before being allowed to return to school. If male students come to school unshaven, they will be made to shave at school.
Regulations for Girls’ Hair
Female students may grow or trim their hair to any length but they may not wear their hair so short that it resembles a masculine style. Girls must keep their hair out of their eyes. No shaved heads, in whole or in part, are permitted. Girls are not permitted to “streak” their hair or to dye their hair unnatural colors.